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$10,000 Sharpie National Signature Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: "Sweepstakes begins January 1, 2006 and ends on December 30, 2006. Simply visit any participating retailer, submit and entry form (online or mail) and you will be entered for a chance to win a $10,000 college scholarship." Ends 12/30/06
$5,000 Gimme Five® Scholarship Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: "Every quarter, we award a new lucky high school senior with a $5,000 scholarship for their first-year expenses at an accredited college or trade school! There will be four quarterly drawings this year and each scholarship will be made payable to the winner's school of attendance."
$500 Nellie Mae EDvisor Scholarship Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: "Win $500 toward tuition in the Debt Management EDvisor Rewards Scholarship sweepstakes. Simply register for Debt Management EDvisor, successfully complete a helpful financial session, and enter your name in our drawing." Ends 6/30/06
$5,000 Key Education Resources Take 5 Scholarship. Site Excerpt: "Key Education Resources will award five $5,000 scholarships for the next five months (February 2006 - June 2006). Enter each month for five chances to win."
$25,000 Seventeen Magazine Dream of a Lifetime Scholarship. Site Excerpt: "Fill in the fields below to start a Risk-Free trial subscription to Seventeen and be automatically entered to win the $25,000 Cash Scholarship Grand Prize or over 1,000 other great prizes. No purchase is necessary to enter." Ends 5/31/06
$5,000 Peterson's Get a Jump! Scholarship. Site Excerpt: "To enter, please complete all the fields below. All fields need to be filled out to qualify. No purchase is necessary." Ends 5/16/06.
$5,000 nextSTEP Magazine's Ultimate Scholarship Giveaway. Site Excerpt: "Prizes and prize value: One (1) Grand Prize: $5,000 College Scholarship. Prize will be issued in check form and made payable to the college or university in which the winner is enrolled in the amount of the actual or projected educational costs of attendance." Ends 6/20/06
$1,000 SunTrust® Off To College Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: ”High school seniors can win a $1,000 scholarship for first year expenses at an accredited college or private career school, plus a $250 SunTrust Gift Card. One winner will be chosen every two weeks from October 31, 2005, through May 12, 2006. Winner's school of attendance will also receive $1,000.”
$10,000 Parent Answer Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: “These newsletters will help you navigate the college selection, application, and financing process. You'll find information on deadlines, tuition trends and financial aid. Stay informed and on-track, sign up today for your Parent Answer e-newsletter and a chance to win our $10,000 Parent Answer Sweepstakes.”
$10,000 FastWeb LLC College Tuition V Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: “Grand Prize, of $10,000 US dollars cash. Sponsor will give one winner a one-time cash payment of $10,000 which sponsor would prefer winner uses towards tuition, room and board, or any other educational expense. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.”
$1,000 Nelnet® National Scholarship Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: “Nelnet College Planning is awarding $31,000 in scholarships! High school seniors can register for a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship. One winner is chosen every week from September 2, 2005 through March 31, 2006.”
$5,000 Thomson Peterson’s Scholarship. Site Excerpt: “With Undergraduate Student Networks, you get free help learning about colleges that interest you. Just tell us a little bit about yourself and in no time, colleges and universities will contact you.”
$1,000 eCampusTour Scholarship. Site Excerpt: “Register to win a $1000 scholarship from eCampusTours an Edfinancial Services. It's as easy as 1-2-3... Step 1. Read the rules. Step 2. Create an eCampusTours portfolio. If you already have a User ID and Password, you can go on to Step 3. You may retrieve your password if you have forgotten it.”
$7,000 Calgon® TMA Scholarship. Site Excerpt: “Whether you're going back to school to finish your degree, getting a new degree to change careers or doing the college thing for the first time, learning should be dynamic, exciting, and fun! That's why we created the "take me away!" to College Scholarship competition, which just might be the only scholarship application that's actually fun!”
$1,000 Wiredscholar Scholarships. Site Excerpt: "Enter to win. Receive helpful newsletters. Run a free scholarship search. Save research from the site. Apply for loans."
$1,000 Wells Fargo® CollegeSTEPS® Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: “Please complete the following form to sign up for the CollegeSTEPS Program Scholarship Sweepstakes. Once you register, you'll be entered in the sweepstakes drawings and you'll receive e-postcards with valuable college preparatory information.”
$1,000 Bank of America® Financial Aid Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: “To help cover some basic school costs, the Bank of America Financial Aid Sweepstakes will award five $1,000 scholarships to eligible college students. To enter, just fill out the form below and submit online.”
$750 - $1,500 USA Funds® Scholarships. Site Excerpt: “The program will award scholarships worth $1,500 to qualified full-time students and $750 to half-time undergraduates. The scholarships may be renewed annually, if the student maintains a 2.5 grade-point average on a four-point scale, until the continuously enrolled student receives a degree or certificate, or until the total award to the student reaches $6,000.”
$50,000 National Signature Collection Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: “Simply visit any participating retailer, submit an entry form (online or mail) and you will be entered for a chance to win a $50,000 college scholarship or one of four (4) 529 tuition plans valued at $25,000 each.”
$1,000 EdFinancial® Scholarships. Site Excerpt: “Ten winners will each receive a $1,000 scholarship to an institution of higher education which is an Eligible Institution in the Federal Family Education Loan Program under Title IV of the Federal Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Each prize is payable in U.S.$ directly to the institution of higher education designated by the winner.”
$2,500 DoubleTake Sweepstakes. Site Excerpt: “Now students and parents can win $2,500 for their education expenses and another $2,500 for their school. Simply complete the entry form below and review our official rules. There will be four drawings this year, so visit us again to review our most recent winners.”
$5,000 Chela Education Financing. Site Excerpt: “In addition to our flexible loan options, Chela Education Financing is proud to offer scholarships to students throughout the year. Through this year's Money Matters Scholarship, we will award a total of U.S. $50,000 in scholarships to current undergraduate and graduate students.”
$500 Scholarships from Dollarship. Site Excerpt: “The world’s first peer-to-peer scholarship network. What if those millions of students each donated $1 to create $500 scholarships for themselves and others? Would you be willing to give up four quarters for the chance to win one of 10, 100, or 1,000 different scholarships?”