Biology and Environmental Science Scholarships

$5,000 Carpe Diem Foundation Scholarship. Site Excerpt: “The Carpe Diem Foundation’s mission is to identify, honor and assist the best, brightest and most altruistic college students in the United States. The Foundation offers recognition and scholarship support to deserving students.”
$2,000 SEASPACE Scholarship. Site Excerpt: “Marine-related scholarships are offered every year by SEASPACE, Inc., an annual underwater film festival, symposium, and exposition. The SEASPACE Permanent Education Fund earnings and private donations endow scholarships specifically in support of marine-related courses of study.”
$4,000 Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship. Site Excerpt: “Created to promote the conservation of rare and endangered flora in the United States through the programs of the Center for Plant Conservation headquartered at the Missouri Botanical Garden. The research grant enables a student in biology, horticulture, or a related field to conduct field research.”

Business Scholarships
$2,500 Club Foundation Awards Scholarship. Site Excerpt: “Awards annually to students pursuing careers in private club management. Scholarship recipients are selected each year by CFAC and the approved by the Board of Governors. The Club Foundation has awarded more than 120 student scholarships, totaling approximately $200,000.”

$2,000 Hospitality Scholarships. Site Excerpt: “The purpose of the AH&LEF scholarship programs is to support the educational development of students pursuing an undergraduate degree in hospitality management. All eligible students must be enrolled in hospitality management programs (i.e., hotel administration, hotel/restaurant management, culinary arts, travel and tourism administration).”



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