Essay Scholarship Contests
$10,000 Ayn Rand Essay Contest. Site Excerpt: Annual Essay Contest for Ayn Rand's Novel THE FOUNTAINHEAD for 11th and 12th Graders and the ATLAS SHRUGGED contest for 12th Graders and College Students: First Prize: $10,000 Cash Award, Second Prizes: $2,000 Cash Awards, Third Prizes: $1,000 Cash Awards, Finalist Prizes: $100 Cash Awards, Semifinalist Prizes: $50 Cash Awards.
$1,000 NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund Scholarship - Site Excerpt: The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund sponsors a scholarly writing contest for grades K-12. The theme for the essay is "What Does The Second Amendment Mean to You?" Check For Deadline
$10,000 GE-Ronald Reagan FoundationScholarship. Site Excerpt: $10,000 scholarship renewable for up to an additional three years – up to $40,000 total per recipient. Awards are for undergraduate and graduate study, and may be used for education-related expenses, including tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, and board. Check for dealines.
$500 CareerFitter.com Scholarship. Site Excerpt: Scholarships to qualified students who are enrolled or planning to participate in a college, university or graduate school program during the spring/summer/fall term. Students who apply must be a United States citizen or permanent resident with a minimum 2.5 Grade Point Average. Various Deadlines.
$70,000 (in total awards) Mensa Education and Research Essay Scholarship. Site Excerpt: The scholarship process begins during the first week of September and ends with the scholarship application deadline of Jan. 15. No application forms are available at any other time.
$2,000 Niche Contests and Scholarships. Site Excerpt: The essay can be on any topic and could be an essay you wrote for a class, another scholarship, the school paper, an admissions essay, etc. Just make sure the essay is 1,000 words or less. New winner every month.
$2,000 Religious Liberty Essay Scholarship Contest. Site Excerpt: "Each year, the Religious Liberty Essay Scholarship Contest engages high school students in church-state issues by directing them to express a point of view on a religious liberty topic. Essays will be judged on the depth of their content, the mastery of the topic, and the skill with which they are written." Check for Deadline
$500 Monthly LA Tutors Scholarship. Site Excerpt: "Must currently be enrolled as a high school or college/university student within the United States or Canada. Must have designed an innovative project that makes a difference in the lives of others (This could be a website, series of blogs, an app, fundraising event, etc.)" Check for Deadlines
$2,000 TextbookX.com Spring Scholarship Site Excerpt: In responding to this question, you must make reference to one book that has had a significant influence on your thoughts concerning this topic. In addition to the guidelines set forth above, we will be looking for well-crafted essays that use correct spelling and good grammar. October Deadline
$20,000 American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship Program. Site Excerpt: High School Seniors may enter this contest for the opportunity to win 1 of 10 $2,000 Scholarships. Scholarship payable to the winner’s college, university or certified trade school in the United States. Student must enroll in semester beginning no later than fall. May Deadline
$5,000 College Week Live Scholarship. Site Excerpt: You can win a college scholarship just for attending CollegeWeekLive! Five students will win college scholarships totaling $10,000, good at any accredited institution! By submitting an Application, you will be registered to participate in the CollegeWeekLive.com. March Deadline
$5,000 Holocaust Remembrance Project. Site Excerpt: First Place winners will participate in an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. to visit the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and other historic sites. In addition, scholarships of up to $5,000 will be awarded to the first-place national winners. April Deadline
$1,000 - $10,000 National Peace Essay Contest. Site Excerpt: First-place state winners receive college scholarships of $1,000 and also compete for national awards of $10,000, $5,000, and $2,500 for first, second, and third place respectively (national awards include state award amounts). February Deadline
$2,500 AFSA High School Essay Contest. Site Excerpt: Analyze and explain how the members of the Foreign Service promote United States national interests by participating in the resolution of major international problems. April Deadline
$1,000 Lincoln Forum Essay Contest. Site Excerpt: The contest is open to anyone, regardless of age or citizenship status, who is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in an American college or university. July Deadline