Direct Loan Entrance Counseling

Use the following web address to access Direct Loan Entrance and Exit Counseling:

Direct Loan Entrance Counseling for undergraduates and graduate students.

(Note: There is a link for Entrance and Exit Counseling on the first page.)

Direct Loan Entrance Counseling
Learn How to Manage Your Educational Expenses

Before receiving a student loan, borrowers must complete an entrance counseling session. This quick and easy interactive counseling session provides useful tips and tools to help you develop a budget for managing your educational expenses and helps you to understand your loan responsibilities.

Direct Loan Exit Counseling
Understand Your Rights, Responsibilities, and Service Obligations

Prior to graduating or leaving school, Direct Loan borrowers and TEACH Grant recipients must complete exit counseling. The Direct Loan Exit Counseling will explain your rights and responsibilities as a Direct Loan borrower.

The TEACH Grant Exit Counseling will explain the TEACH Grant Service Obligation and the terms and conditions that apply should your grant become a Direct Unsubsidized Loan.