Direct Loans FAFSA

To complete your Direct Loans FAFSA go to:

Most students will need help from a parent to complete the Direct Loan FAFSA.

You will also need your Social Security number (SSN) and the SSN for your parents, if you are a dependent student.

You will need your W-2 forms from last year and other records of money earned (by you and by your parents, if you are a dependent student).
Federal Income Tax Return from last year (and that of your spouse, if you are married).

Federal Income Tax Return from last year (if you are a dependent student).

Any foreign tax return or tax return from Puerto Rico.

You will need your untaxed income records from last year. Examples include Social Security benefits, welfare benefits such as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and veteran benefits.

Your current bank statements, business and investment mortgage information; business and farm records, and stock, bond and other investment records.

Your alien registration number (if you are not a U.S. citizen).

If possible, have the necessary income tax returns from last year finished so you can complete the FAFSA more easily and accurately. If you apply before your tax return has been completed, you'll have a two-step application process.

Step 1: Apply and estimate your tax information on your application.

Step 2: Make corrections later if your estimated income or tax information was not accurate.

You cannot receive federal student aid unless all your information is complete and accurate.