Turn Off, Remove, Disable SearchSave from Firefox

Q: SearchSave is showing up as the default search browser in Firefox. How do I get rid of and disable SearchSave.com in Firefox?

A: Luckily, this is an easy fix.

One of the neat tricks with Firefox is that when you type in a partial URL into the search field, say for example "netflix," Firefox will automatically direct you to "http://www.netflix.com/."

This is very useful because you do not have to type in "www" or ".com" or anything else.

Firefox does this trick by using Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" feature. So, while you never see Google.com, you are actually using the Google search engine to find the partial Web address that you have entered.

This all works great unless you somehow download the SearchSave add-on which makes SearchSave.com the default browser for Firefox. You may have installed this add-on without being aware. SearchSave does not alert you that this add-on is being installed to Firefox.

If you have the SearchSave add-on in Firefox and you type a partial Web address into the Firefox search field, you will not go straight to the Web site. Instead you will see a list of SearchSave results.

This is a step backward in terms of usability, but it is also very easy to remove/disable the SearchSave add-on feature from Firefox. To return Google as your default search engine in Firefox, just follow these five easy steps:

Step 1: Open a new Firefox browser window.
Step 2: Type about:config in the search field and press Enter.
Step 3: Click the "I Will Be Careful" button if necessary.
Step 4: Scroll to find a configuration key titled: keyword.URL
Step 5: Select "keyword.URL" and right-click, then hit "Reset" from the drop-down menu.

Firefox will automatically reset the URL value to Google search. Then, you can close the window.

This should solve your problem and remove/disable/turn off SearchSave from Firefox and go back to Google.