Lifestyle Changes
Enjoying a healthy sex life and boosting sexual performance starts with a healthy heart and good circulation. Bad circulation can result in softer erections. So if you smoke, you need to quit. It is that simple. This same logic applies to your weight. If you need to lose a few pounds, then start exercising. Cardiovascular workouts will improve your circulation and endurance. Moreover, being overweight can decrease your testosterone levels.
In terms of drinking alcohol, a drink a day should not hurt. But if you drink more than that, you need to cut back or stop altogether. And if you need help in any of these areas, be sure to talk to your doctor.
Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements
As I said, good circulation is very important in order to maintain an erection. Given this fact, you might consider vitamins and supplements that boost circulation. Supplements that are rich with Omega-3 fatty acids can make your nervous system function more efficiently which is what you need for sexual stamina. A good source of Omega-3 fatty acid is flaxseed oil supplements.
As a side note, I recommend daily flaxseed oil supplements to all of my patients. Flaxseed oil promotes a healthy circulatory system and can even help people sleep. Some patients also mention that flaxseed oil helps them to have intense, lucid, and vivid dreams, which is an added bonus. I cannot say enough about the benefits of flaxseed oil. Other supplements I recommend are zinc and magnesium, which are critical to neurological function, and in turn, our sex drives. B complex vitamins can also boost the circulatory system and reduce stress, which can dramatically impact the libido. Improved circulation results in better firmer erections.
Food Choices
Your basic health is very important to your sex drive. So if you want to get more enjoyment out of sex without help from expensive Viagra and Cialis pills, then make some easy changes in your diet. Here are some foods choices that can help: Soy: Soy products, such as tofu and soy milk, are beneficial to the prostate, which is a crucial male sex organ. Chili peppers and ginger are believed to improve circulation and stimulate nerve endings, which could also improve sexual pleasure.
Whole Grains: Eating more fiber and complex carbohydrates can help you keep your weight down and this very important because obesity is linked to low testosterone. Low testosterone, in turn can hurt both your sex drive and function. Buy whole wheat bread instead of white bread. Some researchers say think that oats may increase the amount of testosterone in the blood. So oats are surely another whole grain to consider. Ginger: Ginger is believed to improve circulation and stimulate nerve endings which may improve your sexual pleasure and performance. Ginger is also believed to increase blood flow to the penis. Ginger can be eaten raw, cooked, or pickled.
Nuts: Nuts help to keep the vascular system healthy because they are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. They are also a good source of heart-healthy nutrients like folic acid, magnesium, and zinc. Oysters: Oysters are very high in zinc, which is necessary for testosterone production. It should also be noted that not having enough zinc in your system can put you at risk for prostate problems. Zinc can help adequate testosterone levels and boost sperm counts.
Chocolate: Chocolate contains a chemical compound called phenylethylamine. This compound can produce feelings of happiness by releasing dopamine into your bloodstream. This is the same chemical that is released during orgasm. But remember to enjoy chocolate in moderation, because keeping your weight in check should be your first priority. Chili Peppers: Like some other foods, chili peppers are believed to improve circulation and stimulate nerve endings. Capsaicin is the chemical compound that gives chilies their burning taste might also stimulate the nervous system. This can accentuate the effects of sexual arousal.
Fruits and Vegetables: A diet high in fruits and vegetables can improve your sex life by lowering your cholesterol levels and improving blood circulation throughout the body. Moreover, fruits and vegetables can aid in weight loss because they are low in calories and high in fiber. Do not forget, losing weight and being heart healthy should be your top priority. Dr. Yee Landau, Ph.D practices medicine in Los Angeles and is a specialist in sexual disorders and the treatment sexual dysfunction using diet as well prescription pharmaceuticals.