Mapping Your Future Loan Counseling

Mapping Your Future Loan Counseling is one of the best places on the web to understand your student loan obligations before you borrow.

Before you agree to take out a Stafford Loan, the Department of Education requires that you understand the basics of student loan debt.

The fastest and easiest way to complete this requirement is offered by Mapping Your Future. Stafford Loan Entrance Counseling seminar takes just a few minutes and will cover:

• The necessity of repaying your student loan
• Subsidized vs. Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
• The Master Promissory Note
• Planning for repayment
• Estimating your payments
• Deferment and forbearance
• Your rights and responsibilities
• Other loan options

When you are finished with the Stafford Loan Entrance Counseling seminar, you will have the option of completing a short form at the end of this counseling session. This form will be forwarded to your school to certify your successful completion of this seminar.