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Best and Easiest Ways to Meet Girls or Boys in College

If you had limited luck with members of the opposite sex in high school, college is the time to change all of that. Starting at a new college presents the perfect opportunity to meet lots of new girls or boys because all college freshmen are excited to meet new people.

All you need to do is show initiative and take a few active steps to start conversations. Remember, people want to meet you. Everyone is nervous when they start college and everyone is feeling a little bit lonely. Everyone wants to meet new people and find new friends.

The most important thing to remember is that you should not act like you are "too cool." Acting aloof and pretending that you hate school might have been cool in high school, but in college, that act is not going to get you anywhere. Even if you are a goth-vampire or an emo-poet, you need to be outgoing. Smile. Say, "Hi." And be ready and willing to talk to new people around you. It doesn't matter where you are. Be ready to talk.

Tip 1: Do not wear headphones on campus.
Seriously, leave your iPod in your dorm room. Never wear your headphones around campus because it separates you from the people around you. You need to be looking for opportunities to talk to the girls or boys around you. Those earbuds might look cool, but they will also prevent you from interacting. Keep your ears and your eyes open!

Tip 2: Meet as many people as possible in your dorm.
The dorms are the best place in the world to make new friends quickly. First and foremost, make friends with your room mates or the kids who live right next to you. Simply say hello and ask questions. Everyone around you wants to talk about themselves. So ask them questions. Even if you feel like you never have anything to say, it is always easy to ask questions. "Where are you from?" "Where did you go to high school?" "What is you major?" You can have an entire conversation simply by asking questions. And if you don't live in the dorms, make friends with people who do. The dorms are the single best place to make new friends.

Tip 3: Meet even more people as part of a group.
Once you have made friends with your immediate neighbors, ask them if they would like to accompany you and meet other people in your residency hall. Walk around as a group and meet your neighbors. Doing this as a group takes the pressure off of you and allows you to be one of the crowd. And as you meet new people, send them friend invites on MySpace or Facebook. If someone has the same major as you, keep them in mind because those are people who will be easy to talk to in the future. You will probably end up taking many of the same classes and you might even want to study together.

Tip 4: Get involved.
Fraternities. Sororities. Clubs. An off-campus job. Student government. The school newspaper. It doesn't matter what the group is, you simply need to join and get involved. If you are really shy and afraid to talk to people, joining a group is the best way to force yourself into conversations. You will not regret getting involved on campus.

Tip 5: Be nice to everyone.
Don't be afraid to talk to the beautiful people around you -- they are just as nervous as you are! But on the same note, don't shun anyone simply because you find them unattractive. The key is to meet as many people as you can and make friends everywhere. A person who you may not find attractive probably knows five people who you would consider dating. So don't count anybody out. If you see someone eating alone in the dining hall, join them and have a conversation. And say "hi" to everyone you pass. Let people know that you are friendly and available as a friend.

So remember, be open and ready to talk to the people around you, get involved, and treat everyone (regardless of their appearance) as if you really want to get to know them. Take an interest in the people around you and ask questions. Get those conversations rolling and everything else will follow