My FAFSA Was Rejected

If your FAFSA is rejected by the federal processor, it is not considered processed and you may miss the priority filing date.

The most common reason why a FAFSA is rejected is when it is missing the required signatures. If you file a paper FAFSA form, be sure to sign the FAFSA. Also be sure to also have at least one parent sign.  

Your FAFSA may also be rejected if you leave some parent information off of the FAFSA form. You need to report all of the parent information being requested. If the parents are divorced and remarried, then the spouse information also needs to be reported.

But also keep in mind that while you need to report all information regarding your parents, only one parent signature is required.

If you have parents that do not want to help you with the FAFSA, remind them that completing the FAFSA does NOT require them to help you pay for school. The FAFSA will allow you to pay for school on your own if your parents do not want to help you pay for college.

How will I know if my FAFSA has been rejected?

The Student Aid Report (SAR) is your record that the Department of Education has processed your FAFSA. You should receive your SAR 2 to 3 weeks after you submit your FAFSA.

When you receive your SAR, look on the first page next to the letters EFC (which stand for Expected Family Contribution).

If you do not see any numbers after the letters EFC, your application has been rejected and needs correction. You might also see a letter C after the letters EFC. This also means that corrections are required.

Need More Help?

If you have any questions about completing the FAFSA or federal student assistance programs, call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243, TDD 1-800-730-8913) from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday.