Which Colleges Do Not Require SAT Scores?

Q: My SAT and ACT scores are not very good. Are there any good schools that do not require SAT scores for admission?

A: Yes, there are hundreds of colleges that admit students without reviewing their SAT or ACT scores.

If your SAT and/or ACT scores are low, or if you do not take the tests, many colleges do not require entrance exams as part of their admissions policy.  The list below is a sample of the many colleges that do not require SAT or ACT scores for admission.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to apply to one of the schools below, make sure that you fully understand what their admissions requirements are. Some schools may require test scores from out-of-state students.

Also, remember that schools may change their admissions requirements from year to year. So the list below may be incomplete. The bottom line is to contact each school you are applying to and find out for sure.

Partial List of Schools that Do Not Require the SAT or ACT:

Alabama State (Montgomery)
Arizona State (Tempe)
Arkansas State University
Austin Peay State University
Bard College
Bates College
Bowdoin College
College of the Atlantic
CSU Bakersfield
CSU Chico
CSU Dominguez Hills
CSU East Bay
CSU Fresno
CSU Fullerton
CSU Long Beach
CSU Los Angeles
CSU Monterey Bay
CSU Northridge
CSU Sacramento
CSU San Bernardino
CSU San Marcos
CSU Stanislaus
Denison University
Dickinson College
Drew University
Franklin and Marshall College
George Mason University
Gettysburg College
Goddard College
Hampshire College
Hobart and William Smith
Kansas State University
Knox College
Lake Forest College
Lewis and Clark College
Middlebury College
Mount Holyoke College
Muhlenberg College
Nazareth College
New School
Northern Arizona University
Ohio State Wooster
Ohio State Mansfield
Ohio State Marion
Ohio State Newark
Oklahoma State (Oklahoma City)
Pitzer College
Rollins College
St. Johns College
Sarah Lawrence College
Sewanee: The College of the South
Smith College
South Dakota State University
Susquehanna University
Texas A & M (select campuses)
University of Arkansas
University of Idaho at Moscow
University of Iowa at Iowa City
University of Kansas at Lawrence
University of Maine
University of Mississippi
University of Montana (Missoula, Western)
University of Nebraska at Kearney and Lincoln
University of Nevada at Las Vegas and Reno
University of Texas (select campuses)
Wake Forest University
Washington College
Western Kentucky University
Wheaton College
Wittenberg University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute